master of life in earth, sky and sea

…and the adventure begins, the most exciting and fulfilling journey imaginable


This is the ministry that I work for in Canada.

Much more recognizable in the USA and of course on the air in the Middle East and North Africa, 24/7, in Arabic, Arabic KIDS, a combination of those two and a combination of 20 hours of Farsi and 4 hours of Turkish.

The number one question, or at least in the top three, has to do with the number seven in our logo.

Seven is that number in the Bible that has reference to wholeness, or completeness, or a heavenly promise.

What I did not know until today, is that in reference to the above, it is about time as well (my favourite chapter in the entire Bible is Ecclesiastes 3 – a dissertation on time).

Did you know that most diseases change or alter on the seventh day?

Talk about sensing anger and holding your breath and counting to 10 – forget it – how about praying, meditating and seeking God out for seven days.  Then check out how holy or unholy your anger was.

Here is my new leadership strategy – to be absolutely sure, I will practice and teach this – I will not be hasty in my judgements, but will diligently search and examine everything before hand – at least, minimum, for a period of seven days.

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9 thoughts on “Seven

  1. Good piece, Erwin.

  2. Joe Quatrone, Jr. on said:

    Great post, friend!
    Just wanted to say thanks for your recent visit to my blog and for subscribing. God bless!

  3. Hi, Erwin. My favourite check on whether my anger is holy and righteous or not is this — am I as angry at my own sin as I am at someone else’s?

  4. Thank you for subscribing to my blog as well. I love the number seven! I was born on the seventh day of the month and the seventh day of the week. I also am a seven on the Enneagram, so I have always thought of seven as my favorite number. It is a hobby of mine to study seven in the Bible. Revelation talks about seven churches, seven trumpets and seven seals. And it also speaks of the seven-fold Spirit which means complete and whole as you stated in your blog. While I do not see the sevens in a sort of pagan way where there are arbitrary numbers and hoops to jump through to get God’s love because after all we know it is God’s grace that gives us everything–I do see significance in seven all through the Bible. Twelves are pretty big too, but sevens seem personal to God. I think it may be why He created the world in seven days and made a holiday out of the seventh. Some people see the Sabbath day as arbitrary but I see God completing the creation of the earth and saying there is more to this world than work–rest, spend time with Me and each other. It is only through reflection that we find meaning in life so if we take time out to do that we find our own significance in relation to our Father in heaven. Wow, you got me all fired up over seven! Have a great day!

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